Friday, October 24, 2008

Perfect eyebrows

"The passion and pathos of legendary poet Dylan Thomas (Matthew Rhys) is told through the lives of two extraordinary women. Vera Phillips (Keira Knightley) and Dylan were each other's first loves who feel the thunderbolt once more when they unexpectedly meet in London ten years later. Caitlin (Sienna Miller) is his adventurous wife, wily at using her beauty and always up for a bit of fun."

This actually looks quite good. To think that Lindsay Lohan was just days away from starring with Keira Knightly, when the insurance company refused to insure her!  Thank you Jesus, because she would have been a disaster!

Sienna Miller has been getting quite a bad girl reputation herself lately. But, as long as she isn't driving down the PCH whacked out of her mind, behaving like a spoiled Diva or showing up hours late for work covered in spray tan...then it's forgivable...because she has the big T.  Sienna Miller has Talent. 
Keira Knightly, although somewhat of a bore, looks to have some big T as well.

And look at those eyebrows!
I'm just, so there...Edge Of Love...coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This movie looks to be bollucks the same as factory girl.