Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh my! Precious

I am now regretting not choosing Gaboury Sadibe in my Actress Pyschic picks this year. If Keisha and Catalina can get noms...it sure as hell looks like this woman should be a shoo in. I said should be...but never underestimate the stupidity of the academy when it comes to outward female beauty.  The prom queen element is always looming.

But, hey, check out Monique! Damn!  And Mariah...Mariah, we will forgive you for Glitter now. 

This is an "I can't wait" film.

It's at Cannes now...but Precious doesn't open until November. 
Keep it in your sites, ya'll!

1 comment:

Hilarywho said...

Wow. That looks like one powerful film. Thanks for sharing the trailer & I'm glad your back!