Sunday, January 25, 2009

Screen Actors Guild Awards

Having won the Producer's Guild Best Picture awards last night...Slumdog Millionaire continues to steam roll the competition.

Tonight, we arrive at the Screen Actor's Guild awards...and I think all bets could be off tonight.

There is no Best Picture at the SAGs...only Best Ensemble. These are acting awards after all. Let's face it....Slumdog did not have the best ensemble. So, will the actors still reward it as if it were a Best Picture category? I think not. I hope not. We'll see.

My picks quick and dirty are

Sean Penn for Best Actor
although I'm pulling for Mickey Rourke

Meryl Streep for Best Actress
although I'm pulling for Winslet or Melissa Leo

Kate Winslet for Best Supporting Actress
she better win this if she's gonna win the Oscar

Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor
Robert Downey Jr. could upset Ledger, and I think Downey would give it back to Heath

Doubt for Best Ensemble
although that makes me cringe and I am pulling for Milk know Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, John Adams, blah, blah, surprises

Watch the SAG Awards at 8pm eastern, and tape delayed...those 8pm pacific time.

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