Monday, February 23, 2009

So...what did you think?

The 2009 recession era Oscar show...was pretty good. Jackman was great. Loved the opening number...but, then, Poof!  The Prestige all over again. Yes, he came back just in time for the worst part of the show...that Beyonce laden salute to musicals. But, overall...Jackman was underused!

There were too many recession level actors as presenters. I guess that's why they kept them a secret! I mean when Sarah Jessica Parker, and her push up bra, are center stage for that long...oy! It was a tireless stream of television actors turned "movie stars". Jessica Biel, Jennifer Aniston, Zac Efron, Amanda Seyfried, Parker. Alicia Keyes?  Natalie Portman looked bored, and frankly...the Joachin Phoenix joke at the Oscar's was inappropriate.  I expect a little more respect for an Academy member who has some real mental health issues.  Give the guy a break.  He watched his big brother die on a sidewalk in Hollywood and couldn't do a damn thing to save him.  That being said...the Phoenix/Bale joke at the Independent Spirit Awards was way funny.  It was short and sweet and mostly ripped Bale.  The two of them made for a funny pair.  

Then there was this.  Brilliant.

I really loved the innovative way they chose to present the acting awards.  Very moving. If I were a nominee, that is exactly what I would want...a little fawning over you and making you feel special just for being nominated.  Softens the blow for the losers too, don't cha think?  Very nice.  I also have to admit, even though I'm still pissed about the Springsteen snub...I liked the Best Song Presentation.  It was fun and interesting and it woke everyone up!  Plus, it was cool to see that A.R.Rahman was the vocalist on Jai Ho as well as the composer. Fun times.

I  have the feeling that the show worked much better live.  There were some very odd camera moves and the live television production part of it wasn't handled so well.  As if the shots were being called by theatre techies. Nothing against theatre techies, it's just a different medium. Didn't anyone in charge have a monitor?  I also don't think you could really appreciate the set and the overall look of the thing on television.  So, it's interesting, because it is, after all, a live show...that's being televised.  Probably best to please the live audience, in my opinion.  

 All in all...I preferred it to the over-the-topness we usually get. Nobody got their mic cut or shooed off the stage for talking too long, and it still took the same amount of time.  And there were some real fantastic moments given to us by the winners.  "Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto."  I mean you had to be there.  Sean Penn. Kate Winslet's dad. Heath Ledger's family.  And this heartfelt speech from a guy who spent his childhood as a Gay Mormon.  

If they had only cut that Beyonce number, it would have been just about right.  


Anonymous said...

I loved the set. I want that black and gold backdrop that showed up about half way through the show. Thought the opening number was fun! Theatre! The camera shots into the audience were awkward - like seeing Meryl Streep slumped down in her sofa after a stiff drink or something. I too liked the way they honored all the honorees of the "big" awards.

Hilarywho said...

I totally agree. I have no idea why they even did that salute to musicals. It was bizarre. And without it the show wouldn't have run SO long. I also agree that Ben Stillers impression was in bad taste. And I didn't like Queen Latifah singing (a romantic song!) over the montage of those who've died. I had to mute my TV. It just didn't seem right to me - it should have been more solemn. But overall I really enjoyed the show and like the changes they've made.