Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol?

So last night, I don't have a movie to watch, nothings on the tellie, and I don't feel like doing anything, along with about 20 million other people in the country, I watched American Idol.  I'm not a fan.  But, I did make a couple of observations that I wanted to share with my loyal listeners.  

First of all Ryan Seacrest.  There has been a lot of shit said about Ryan Seacrest.  His mother must be on drugs to keep from storming the gates of every gossip blogger in town.  But, I think he's a decent guy.  Not only do I think he's a decent guy, I think he's smart as all hell, and has worked his ass off to get where he is.  This man has how many jobs?  At least three that I know of, and that's not counting the several shows he's producing.  He started out as a radio disc jockey in Raleigh, North Carolina for cryin' out loud, and now the man makes 35 million a year.  

I also noticed how genuine he was with the young girl who was tossed off the show last night.  A very talented young girl of 17, I believe.  She was visibly quite upset, and Seacrest was really comforting.  I and nice?  Angelina Jolie aside, most of the actors who talk to him on the red carpet, like him too.  So, two thumbs up for Ryan Seacrest.

The other thing I noticed was Kanye West.  I know I've gone here before, but, how could I not mention that his live performance last night on American Idol, would not have gotten him through to the next round.  If he was a contestant...he'd be out.  Actually, with that performance, he'd never have gotten on the show.  I watched two incredible singers get the boot, including that afore mentioned young girl.  I watched Mr. West's performance shoehorned in between them.  That 17 year old girl...blew him off the stage.

How did this guy get to be so famous?  Someone please tell me.  Seriously, I'd like to know. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just add West to the long list of marketable products of questionable talent created by the marketing machine that is Hollywood. It's all about units sold, just like bags of Doritos. Right?