Friday, March 20, 2009

Wolverine...excited or not?

I learned all about the X-Men one summer while I was staying in Wrightsville Beach with my, then, 9 year old son. He had an X-Men board game, and we played every day. My son would show me each individual character piece and tell me about their special mutant powers. My favorite was Jubilee. His favorite, was and is Gambit. He's an actor now. A tall good looking actor who would have made a perfect Gambit. He's gonna be pissed when he sees this trailer.

Wolverine, for those who may not know, is the soon to be released spin-off of the popular X-Men films. The Wolverine trailer just came online today. I can't say I found much of it terribly exciting. But, it doesn't look absolutely awful either. I like Hugh Jackman a lot. I liked him best in the first film. Maybe he's lost some of his edge with his age? Or maybe he lost it somewhere else. Dunno. I'd like to see more of it in this film. Liev Schriever looks great though! Love him anyway, but, it looks like he could slam dunk this. I wonder, though, why Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool wasn't in the trailer? I also wonder why the women in this look so homogenous and forgettable? I wonder why they cast that Friday Night Lights kid as Gambit? Even in that milli-second of trailer time, he looked a bit bland. I wonder why producers never learn that casting great actors is always the best move? 
I wonder why it's raining in southern California?


Anonymous said...

I wonder why these comic book films often have music that sounds just like the chorus from Carmina Burana?

Sally Belle said...

Ha! The Omen syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Not excited. Whereas Wolverine has a perfectly good orgin story, they decided to rewrite it instead. Ryan Reynolds isn't really Deadpool. Instead, he plays an agent for a short amount of time. Later someone turns him into Weapon XI, a big guy with claws and multiple powers who is played by another actor. They decide to call this thing Deadpool, the name of a very popular character. This thing isn't Deadpool. Not a fan of the origin rewrite, not a fan of the Sabertooth relationship change. And Professor X isn't Patrick Stuart. I like Jackman, but don't think I will like this movie.

Sally Belle said...


There are so many great characters and great story lines already, why f with a good thing?

Did you read the script?